Friday, March 14, 2008

Sunny days keeping the clouds away.

I am verifiably in certified countdown mode. How many sleeps until I get to see Nolan at 11pm ish on Tuesday, April 1st? The number is getting smaller and smaller, but not fast enough for my liking. Time is moving sloooowwwwllly like molasses in January. It will make coming home all that much sweeter I guess.

I actually had a great blog entry typed up but I hit some random button and it left. I despise random buttons. It's more interesting when random buttons are things like ejection seats or are the 'on' button for a siren or something, but as an erase button on the computer? Lame, very disappointing actually and extremely annoying. is a rather sunny day not unlike many of the days that I have had since being here. i don't think the temperature has dipped lower than maybe 21 degrees during the day. I know just the other night when I went to bed at 11pm it was still 21 degrees out. Actually yesterday after coming home from the beach (where I was chaperoning two 4 year olds) it started to cloud over and I was jumping on my bike to come home and it started to spit. Hanna joked and wish me a good ride home. ride home was not in the spitting rain but it was in the torrential rain! It was nice! It was still really warm out, the raindrops were so large that it seemed as though it would only take 5 raindrops to effectively soak you. I was drenched by the time I got home (a 10 minute bike ride), and I had a huge grin on my face!

Anyhow, it is a gorgeous day outside right now and I am going to Pacifica Fest just down the road. I can actually hear it from here. Drums are beating and it's catching. It is a celebration of Pacific Island cultures and it is going to be fun! I am going to take my camera (that I still don't know how to use properly) and take some pics and I am going to hope I don't get a sunburn and stupid tan lines.

I hope that tomorrow is as nice as today because I am going to head off to R.......Island which used to be a volcano and hike up it and check out the crater and take more pictures.

When will I actually do my homework? Maybe just for once it will do itself.



Anonymous said...

Hey I enjoy reading your blog as I have never had the chance to formerly meet you in person because you and Nolan started dating either just before I moved or just after but either way. This is a step out of my comfort zone I feel awkward talking to someone I know but not having them know me I don't know why. I'm shy I guess! The good news is I will be home for your wedding hopefully I will have a chance to chat with you for a least an hour before life gets ubber busy for you two. I will be home for May. And will be moving home at the end of aug. I am on blogger it you want to leave a comment. godordaineditvalerie. is my blog. is my email. :)

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