Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Mistake

So I had the lyrics to the one line that I thought I remembered, wrong. Funnily enough though, they were close enough that a friend recognized it(despite my BAD, BAD rendition of faking my way through the line and humming some of the tune[except it was off tune]). Thank the good Lord for friends who know lots of songs!! So I am a happy camper for now until the next song comes along to drive me nuts!!

Okay new I found out today that the Queen was in town. I don't really know what she was doing here and what all the hubbub was about but hey...she's the queen. Honestly, with no offence meant to my fine British friends, I don't really have any sort of affinity for the queen or any of the royal family for that matter. As a Canadian I feel the queen and family are far too removed from the reality of who we are here. On the other hand I recognize the HUGE influence they've had on the shaping of the Canadian government. I can't dismiss that, but in my day to day life, I can't say that I can identify in any way, shape or form with the Royal family or the roles they play in this world. I also must claim ignorance because honestly, I don't really know what they do besides look pretty, wave nicely and smatter the press occassionally. If any of my British friends feels inclined to educate me, please do.

Next on my list of things to chat about...I wish I knew what I am doing...become a mailperson ( I still like to say mailman...sorry if that offends anyone since it's not a gender equal title), become a reading teacher, go back to school and get a masters in Ed., keep on keeping on...become a superhero with the fantastic power of being able transport people to the exact spot where they would like to fall asleep. Just in case you're curious, this wish for such an odd power comes from my experience as a little kid who still had the WHOLE drive home before she could fall asleep even though she was VERY tired and wanted to sleep now and always wished she could be like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ and click her heels and say, "There's no place like bed!". Speaking of bed...

One last thing...Has anyone read Neuromancer?