Monday, May 14, 2007

Fatigue and Plane rides

May 11th....

This is the beginning of my journey to learn french! yesterday it was semi-real and today reality has set in. This morning and during the flight, i was far too tired to care if it was real. Now here I am in the Montreal aerogare at Tim Horton's drinking une moyen ice cap and waiting for Stephanie. I badly wanted to know how to order in french..une moyen ice cap was my guess et un salade aux oeufs aussi. hmmm. that's my guess could be right could be wrong.

i have many feelings couring through me and a myriad of thoughts. Both my thoughts and feelings are floating around a loose theme of fear and anxiety.

I feel isolated and a bit lonely already, but God you know where I am here and you are with me. I am never alone, you do not leave me or forsake me. thank you for making this trip possible for me. You knew my desire to learn french and the affection that I have for Quebec. I ask for your favour here as an english speaker. I ask to be received with kindness and your favour.

I am anxious about figuring out the train to Riviere du Loup. You Lord order my steps, prepare my way and mark my path. direct me, guide me and reveal to me the details i need.

I am fearful that learning french won't stick or i won't get the idea-the way the language works. Father please teach me yourself. You created the languages and they are yours to give. your Holy Spirit is my teacher-work in my mind and my spirit to teach me french.

Father I am looking forward to the next number of weeksnot only tolearn french, but in my isolation from those who know me and with the difficulties of communication that are up and coming, i can speak to you and you can speak to me. My desire is to DELIGHT MYSELF IN YOu!!

I don't really know how to do this, but I want to know. I want to behold your face and dwell in your house.

Father give me dreams and visions and tongues in French. Please.

Lord soften my heart again please. thank you again for loving me, for calling me Beloved. Please continue teaching me of your love.

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