Friday, November 26, 2004

wogging, jogging and running

Well I have started running again. It's been a while. To be absolutely realistic, you would call my "running", jogging.

I am quite proud of myself, I have ran 3 times so far this week. The first run felt sketchy, the second not too bad and the last one I joined a friend and I felt like an out of shape geek.

We arranged to meet to go for our run, and I did forwarn him that it would be more like a jog so he would not have any crazy running expectations of me. When we were chatting and stretching before we ran, he non-chalantly commented on a past marathon he'd run. Actually, it was 2 marathons he'd run in the past. Well for me, a returnee to running after a long remission, I was hesitant to run with him. What if I embarrassed myself by my lack of endurance? What if my jog is more like a waste of time to him? Aaahhhh the fun and joys of comparison. He's more fit, his legs are longer....blah, blah, blah. It was really about the company. The run was a bonus to me. Running is way more fun when you have someone to talk to and keep your mind off how painful it is to get back into shape.

My advice...if you are just getting back into running, go with someone who is more fit than you. If they still want to run with you after a lame jog, they enjoy your company. PLUS...they can talk the whole time and all you have to do is listen. Maybe ask a few questions to keep them chatting. Funny thing was that at the beginning of the run, he kept asking me questions and I was having a hard time answering in between breaths. funny!

Give me another month of consistent running and I might just like running again. And to my running pal, I hope you enjoyed your wog!

"Marathoning is just another form of insanity"-- 1952 Boston Marathon winner John J. Kelley

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