Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Many moons

It has been many moons since I last wrote here. I have not been inspired to write of late. That's a lie; I have been inspired, but I have not been willing to write because the things in my mind seemed too personal to expose to the world wide web and my friends that read this spot. I am still hesitant to write, but nonetheless find myself here to add another entry.

Life is beautiful. Life is confusing. Sometimes life is ugly. I mostly live in a life that is beautiful. Right now I feel like I am in the beautiful camp and the confusing camp. We are complex people, with insanely instricate minds and personalities and it's no wonder that life can sometimes be confusing. You put us together with other people and our intricacies overlap creating something of beauty, wonder and things we cannot wrap our minds around, but look at in awe and intense curiousity. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

What does my future hold? Does it have you in it?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Lisa said...

Nice to see you back! I thought I'd leave a "real" comment just to counteract the spam ones. I'm glad you're in the "life is beautiful" camp. I know all about the "life is confusing" camp - welcome!